Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Keeping The Momentum

Spring break is over, and the end of the semester approaches rapidly. It is vital that you do not break your momentum at this point in time. You still have lab activities to complete that are worth more than one third of your final lab grade. As well, you should be making the big push to be on time for lectures and do well on your quizzes. Quiz grades become important if you are on the fence between two letter grades.

Another useful thing you could do at this point in time is to review materials from the entire semester. If you wait until finals week to cram, you will find yourself overwhelmed with information. It is much more useful to use small review periods daily between now and the final exam. Consider studying with a buddy or two. Review of homework problems and workshop concepts is just as important as reviewing your class notes.

Remember key study strategies:

No TV. Avoid distracting environments. Music works for some people, and distracts others.

Take a break after 15-20 minutes. Get up and walk around. Give yourself a 5-10 minute rest before returning to your studies.

Know yourself. Are you a notecard person? Does rewriting your notes help you? Is it better for you to read out loud or silently? Use the strategies that have been successful for you in the past.

My last piece of advice is this: let me know if you are struggling with a particular concept, so we can schedule time to work together. I am here to help when I can.


A Few Words of Wisdom From Albert Einstein...

"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new."

"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing."

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

"Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding."

source: Collected Quotes of Albert Einstein; Copyright: Kevin Harris 1995

Chemistry Safety Video

NaOH and Aluminum Reacting

We will be using this reaction in class on March 7. We will react aluminum with aqueous sodium hydroxide. We will capture the gas that is produced. What is the gas?

Potassium Chlorate and Gummy Bears

No, We won't be doing this one in class...

What do you make?